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I am veterinary nurse student living in Denmark, with my husband and my Miniature Schnauzer.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Amazing Treat Machine - Cardboard Toys For Pets

If you love giving your pet new activities Amazing Treat Machine will make you jump up and down, just like I did when I discovered it.

Amazing Treat Machine has three different types of pet toys made of cardboard, the Treat Machine, the Roller and the Scratchers. They are cheap, fun and recyclable.

The scratcher toys are made of cardboard circles, and mainly made with cats in mind. There are two different types - the Hanging Scratcher and the Scratch Roller.

The Hanging Scratcher functions as a scratching tree, made out of cardboard circles that are hung up in a rope. The Scratch Roller, which looks like a little wheel, is literarily a stack of cardboard circles. The Hanging Scratcher is a pure cat toy, but the Scratch Roller will also activate small dogs and ferrets.

The Roller is a cylinder shaped cardboard container, with a little hole where treats can escape, as the roller is being pushed around. The idea is an old one, that has been used in several treat toys, but making the toy in cardboard is a new approach to it. This toy will enrichen the life of cats, dogs, ferrets and even rabbits!

The Treat Machine is the kind of toy where treats escape from the bottom of a container, when the dog drops a ball into it. This is also made of cardboard, and is perfect for dogs that eat too fast, bored dogs and dogs that love to use their brain!

All Amazing Treat Machine pet toys can be bought through the website.

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