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I am veterinary nurse student living in Denmark, with my husband and my Miniature Schnauzer.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rehabilitation Day 5 & 6: Slow but Steady Progress

It's been a just over a week since my Miniature Schnauzer was struck by FCE, and until now our rehabilitation results has been great. During the last week she went from not being able to stand to being able to jumping around on her own. Sometimes day to day progress might seem small, but the overall results are very good.

There has been small improvements in Colas strength and balance these last two days. She is getting better at standing and jumping around by herself.

When my husband got home this afternoon I urged her to jump out into the hall, and she greeted him with a wagging tail for the first time since she was struck by FCE! That was so great to see!

Our walks are getting easier and she has started to use her right front leg a little bit, moving it as if she was walking on it. She refuses to put any weight on it though, unless she is leaning forward.

Her right hind leg is getting better too, but she is still mostly using it in a "supporting" way. She seldom uses it independently of the left hind leg and when she uses it to jump or stand she does not have a good sense of her paw. She is dragging the top of her paw when she jumps around, and she stands with the top of her paw facing down.

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